Liferay Front-End Development
Course Overview
Target Audience
Front-End Developers
UI/UX Developers
Technical Leads
Prior to Taking This Course, It Is Recommended That You Take Liferay Fundamentals. This Course Also Requires You to Have Front-end Development Experience Using HTML/CSS.
Day 1
Front-End Development Liferay
UI Development Tools
- Node.js | Yeoman | Gulp
The New UI Landscape
Lexicon: Liferay’s Design Language
- Delivering a Consistent User Experience Across Devices
Modern JavaScript Design with ES2015
Creating UI Components with Metal.js
Maintaining Alloy UI
Developing Themes
Building and Generating Themes
Customizing Lexicon and Bootstrap Components
Styling Applications
Creating and Using Reusable Themelets
Packaging Content in Themes
Embedding Applications
Customizing the Page Layout
Creating Layout Templates
Embedding Applications into Layout Templates
Day 2
Styling in Liferay with Display Templates
Liferay’s Templating Options
Delivering Consistent Content Experiences
Styling Web Content with Templates
Creating and Previewing Content Templates
Customizing Email Notifications
Creating Notifications with FreeMarker Templates
Using Tag Libraries in Templates
Customizing Application UIs
Controlling Application Presentation
Advanced Templates
Using Google Closure Templates with Metal.js